Islamic Museum

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Entry Fee : RM 2
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The Islamic Museum is located in Kota Bharu city centre, next to the State Mosque. It is a building with two floors. The ground floor is split into three sections. First section had write-ups about the arrival of Islam to Kelantan and photos of some old mosques. Second section had displays of an old coin with Arabic inscription 'Al-Julus' found in Kelantan. It is believed to be from the 12th century. Some old Islamic manuscripts were also displayed in this section. The third section had exhibits of ceramics with Arabic and Persian design. Other items in the third section were the official attires of mufti and imam, models of traditional and modern 'sekolah pondok' (mini houses used for Islamic studies), plus write-ups about important Islamic figures in Kelantan. There was also a model of 'kancapuri', which is a burial casket used for important individuals like royalties.

Meanwhile, the almost the entire first floor was dedicated to the most prominent Islamic figure from Kelantan, the late Tuan Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat. There was a write-up of his biography, exhibits of his belongings, and also write-up about Kelantan under his administration. 

Front view of the museum 
In the first section, write up and photos of old mosques

Display of old Islamic manuscripts and other archaelogical findings

Ceramic from Iran

Model of traditional 'sekolah pondok'

Model of Modern 'sekolah pondok'

Replica of a 'Kancapuri', a casket of important figures

Spectacles used by the late Nik Aziz Nik Mat


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